Welcome to our membership page. Membership is an independent study in clay that includes use of the facilities and does not include instruction.
If you are interested in a membership, email us at glazeceramicstudios@gmail.com with your full name, phone number and email address. We will add you to the list and let you know when a memberhsip spot comes available.
Studio Membership
$200/ month
What’s Included
Members are allowed to access the studio 24/7.
Storage and Use.
We offer members one shelf for clay, tools and work in progress. Additional space can be purchased for a discounted rate. Members are allowed to use all of the studios equipment and kilns to fire work.
Members will have access to workshops, demos, and lectures by visiting artists. Members will be able to participate in the annual members pottery sale.
Active Members get 25% off classes
Membership begins the day you sign up.
Cancellation Policy
Member must notify the studio one month before canceling membership. If membership is cancelled without notice the studio will charge the member one months rent.