
Glaze is a 4000 sqft fully equipped ceramic studio with the following equipment:

24” North Star slab roller, 15 Shimpo Whisper pottery wheels, clay extruder and dyes, 4 Paragon Electric Kilns, large work tables, 4 industrial stainless steel sinks, fully stocked glaze kitchen, raku kiln, wedging table, and pugmill.

Firing Fees

Glaze Ceramic Studio is currently offering firing services to students and members only. We charge $0.03 per cubic inch to fire in a community firing.

To get the dimensions, measure your piece with an inch ruler or measuring tape, you will need the length, the width, and the height, the length is the longest dimension of your piece (usually) from side to side, the width is usually front to back, and the height is the measurement from top to bottom or how tall it is. Each measurement needs to be multiplied by the next so length x width x height. This will give you the cubic inches of the piece; take that amount and multiply by 0.03 to get your dollar amount. For example, a cup with handle that is 6x4x4 is 96 cubic inches; 96 x 0.03 = 2.88 so the total for this mug would be $2.88.

Please note there is a 2” minimum for any measurement and a $1 minimum per piece. This means that if you have a piece that measures less than one inch in any dimension, you must use 2 as the size, and any work that costs less than $1 needs to be rounded up to a dollar. Multiple pieces being fired can be combined into one payment but still must be a minimum of $1 per piece.

Kiln Rental is available upon request for a flat rate fee

Firing fees do not apply to kinder, or kids camps.

Cancellation Policy
We do not refund classes under any circumstance. We can give a credit equaling the price of the class or workshop.

We do not pro-rate classes or membership under any circumstances nor for any reason. Any cancellation after a membership payment will be subject to a $75 processing fee.

Private Lessons

Private wheel lessons can be scheduled and take place in a socially distanced and responsible manner. A private lesson on the wheel includes a guided lesson through the techniques required to make a small dish or container on the potter’s wheel. The student will form clay and get to keep one piece from the lesson, the student chooses the glaze they want the piece to be finished in.

Private lessons are two hours.

1 person $140 3 people $300
2 people $250 4 people or more $80 per person

For private parties please inquire via email at

All members, students, and all people who use the studio must adhere to the following rules and procedures.  Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of your class/membership. 

Clean up your workstation and any area you have used after you are done.  This includes the area surrounding your workstation such as the floor if carved, trimmed, or wet clay has fallen. This also includes any equipment and tools you have gotten clay or slip on such as the extruder and slab roller.

Do not use any equipment without being shown how to use it by a staff member.

If you break equipment because you used it without prior instruction, you will be held liable for any damage caused. 

Students must clean up before the end of class and before the end of open studio. 

Do not leave personal items out on the studio tables.   Do not store items on the floor.

If you use the topmost overflow shelves, you must put your name and date on the work or it will be discarded.

Do not store bats under plastic over a long period of time, they will mold.  When work is dry enough to safely move, remove the work from the bat or wrap the work but not the bat. 

Do not store wet clay or slip on plaster boards, they should be used only while you are in the studio, store your wet clay and put it out when you are there to monitor it.

Do not scrape or sand bone dry work or bisque in the studio as it creates hazardous dust. Wet sanding is ok. Any dry sanding must be done outside of the studio with the doors and windows shut.

Please do not sweep, use a damp sponge to clean up debris.  

Please respect our request for a library-esque environment and keep your conversations low to avoid disturbing others. Take phone calls outside.  

Treat everyone with respect.  Do not discriminate or target people for any reason. Sexual harassment will not be tolerated.

No smoking is allowed at Glaze including on the sidewalks in front of the building.  

Do not touch anything on any other persons shelf or borrow someones tools or items without permission from them.


Glaze buckets should remain covered when not in use. 

Do not open multiple buckets at the same time, splashes and drips from one glaze can contaminate another.

Please be careful when moving glaze buckets. If you spill a glaze, you are responsible for the cost of replacing it. 

Glaze should be dipped as fast as possible, and no more than two glazes should be used on a single piece unless the student/member has experience or tested the combination.  

No glazing the bottom of work unless it is stilted on a firing tray and firing fees have been paid again.

Any piece being reglazed (second glaze firing) must be measured and paid for again at full price. Reglazing is not good for structural integrity of work.


Students and members must pay for work before leaving it on the ware carts.

Do not touch work that is not yours, if there is not room please put your work on the top shelf near the ceiling and leave a note.

Work left at the studio for more than two weeks after the end of the class will be discarded.  This includes both bisque and glaze work.

Glazed work that is considered dangerous for the kiln shelves or other peoples work may be rejected from any firing.